The Cake Mix Doctor Bakes Gluten-Free

gluten free cover

It didn’t take long after the Cake Mix Doctor book was published for emails and letters to roll in – could I write a Cake Mix Doctor for gluten-free cooks? At first I set those requests aside, but as they mounted and as my eyes were widened as to gluten-free ingredients in the supermarket, I gave the idea some thought. And I got in the kitchen with new gluten-free cake mixes and experimented with them using my favorite recipes. Some of the results were surprisingly good. Others were awful. I persisted. And several years later, this book was released. It is a Cake Mix Doctor for anyone and everyone who needs to bake gluten-free. Your favorite cakes are here, except in gluten-free form. And they’re just as easy to bake, all of them beginning with a gluten-free cake mix.

Most popular recipes: Yellow Birthday Cake, Fresh Strawberry Cake, German Chocolate Cake, Susan’s Lemon Cake, Pumpkin Spice Cake, Gingerbread Boys and Girls.

Why I wrote this book: I just couldn’t imagine the heartache of a gluten-free child who cannot have his or her favorite birthday cake anymore. And I totally related to the frustration of the parent who is trying to bake such a cake and please someone on a gluten-free diet. Cakes and baked goods are the most difficult to make gluten-free, so I am especially proud of this recipe collection.

Favorite cooking tip in the book: Add a tablespoon of thawed orange juice concentrate to vanilla cake batters to produce a more tender cake and also a cake with fresh yellow color.