The Cake Mix Doctor Returns

CMD returns book jacket

Ten years after the first Cake Mix Doctor book was published, the Cake Mix Doctor Returns! Readers offer their tweaks of my first Cake Mix Doctor recipes, and I offer some exciting new recipes – a wedding cake and more layer cakes! Because my Cake Mix Doctor recipes are versatile and can be baked in every size pan imaginable, I retooled my frostings with some variations, so you make only as much frosting as needed for a Bundt, sheet cake, cupcakes, or a tall layer cake, for example. This is a very popular sequel, a New York Times best seller and is perfect for everyone who has the first Cake Mix Doctor book but wants more ideas.

Most popular recipes: The Best Red Velvet Cake, A Basic and Beautiful Wedding Cake, Nancy’s Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake, Chocolate Bayou City Cake, Pina Colada Cake, Hot Lemon Poke Cake, Houdini Bars.

Why I wrote this book: I had been stashing even more great Cake Mix Doctor recipes into file folders after I wrote the first book. Then I met so many readers who had recipes they wanted to share and suggested that I write a sequel. At the same time, I had begun lightening up favorite recipes, using less oil or using applesauce instead of oil. It seemed like good timing to release a fresh new book of classic recipes plus some new recipes to try, too.

Favorite cooking tip in the book: Even busy people can bake layer cakes. A week in advance, bake the layers and let them cool. Wrap in foil and freeze. Two days before, make the frosting, and cover and chill in fridge. A day before, remove the layers from the freezer and let the cake thaw. Then assemble and frost the cake, and store in the fridge or at room temperature. The day of the party, relax! The cake is gorgeous!